Support the achievement
of our artistic projects and
the preservation of cultural and musical heritage
Fondazione Casa Stradivari has renovated the old Nuptial House of the greatest violinmaker of all time, Antonio Stradivari, because it believes in the importance of the transmission of knowledge:
• traditional Cremonese violin craftsmanship, UNESCO Intangible Heritage since 2012 and secular art. Casa Stradivari has created a Violinmaking Masterclass, aimed at preserving this art and transmitting it to young violinmakers from all over the world;
• musical know-how, is a universal language that has accompanied and inspired mankind from the dawn of the times. Casa Stradivari, with the Music Masterclass, is contributing to the in-depth training of young musicians aged between 14 and 20 years;
• artistic knowledge, benefits from research and creativity. With the project "Artist in Residence", Casa Stradivari will host personalities and eminent representatives of all fields and artists of all genres to delve into cultural projects with their experience, creating a virtuous dialogue with students, musicians and the public; a creative dialogue that Stradivari passionately cultivated himself with his friends of the time.
You too can contribute to the realization of our artistic projects and the preservation of cultural and musical heritage, by becoming a Friend of Casa Stradivari.
As a Friend Harmony, you will receive a subscription to our newsletter to stay informed about our initiatives, as well as free access to Casa Stradivari and the Violin Museum (tickets will be provided by the Casa Stradivari Foundation).
You will enjoy all the benefits of the Armonia Plus level and contribute to the purchase of fine wood for young luthiers.
As a Friend Heritage, you will benefit from all the advantages of the Capolavoro level, and your donation will provide long-term support for the academic program for young musicians at Casa Stradivari, enabling the realization of Masterclasses and musical workshops for musicians aged 14 to 23.
Increase your commitment by becoming a Friend Harmony Plus: you will benefit from all the advantages of the Armonia level—newsletter subscription and free access to Casa Stradivari and the Violin Museum (tickets provided by the Foundation)—and you will also participate in exclusive events at Casa Stradivari.
1000 €
As a Friend Masterpiece, you will benefit from all the advantages of the Symphony level and support the promotion of the luthiers from the Lutherie Masterclass: your donation will help promote the instruments through the publication of books, technical sheets, and the organization of listening seminars for these instruments.
Elevate your support to the level of Friend Patron: in addition to supporting the lutherie and musical activities of Casa Stradivari, you will participate in the realization of the Artistic Residencies at the Casa Stradivari Foundation, obtaining exclusive participation in the events of the Artistic Residencies.
Your Friend membership will contribute to the realization of:
• Violinmaking masterclass
• Music masterclass
• Artistic residency
If you wish your donation to go to a specific project, you can indicate it by writing to:
Every little contribution you wish to make, even symbolic, is an important support for projects offered through the activities of Casa Stradivari.
You can also donate through this QR code:

Thank you!
Fondazione Casa Stradivari